Tuesday, March 20, 2007


That was such a strange segment of American Idol.

It started as, "Who is that sobbing girl that they keep showing on camera?"

(Seriously, sobbing. A lot.)

Then, "Sanjaya is singing to the girl who is crying while he's performing?"

Not only that, but the people on the cameras kept cutting to that girl every single time they showed the audience. She got more screen time than "team Sanjaya" (although the camera people did seem to like his sister's chest...). She seemed to cry less as the song went on, but she started out crying.

Sanjaya finishes and the judges start up, and Simon directly draws attention to the girl! And then Ryan asks for her name! And then Sanjaya gives her a hug! Oh, this is too bizarre.

Go Blake and Jordin!!

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