Thursday, January 17, 2008

Idols and Resolutions

I'm not doing well on my email inbox resolutions.  On either mailbox.  Oh well.
My 2 favorite parts of Idol last night were (a) when the guy says that Simon goes down on a lot of people (and totally didn't mean it that way) and (b) the guy at the end singing We're Brothers Forever.  Thing is, he didn't have a horrible voice, and he just seemed so happy to be there and singing to the judges that the happiness was infectious, and the judges were already so loopy by the end of the day that the whole thing was hilarious.  If only I could save just those last 10 minutes of the episode and erase the rest.  It makes me happy.
I don't bother paying that much attention to the good singers at this stage because I won't remember their names anyway (although I might remember their stories considering that this season is emotional story Idol) and there will be so many recaps later.  And half of them look like Carrie anyway.  I'm just on the lookout for the ringers.

1 comment:

eccentricego said...

I agree with you about the last 10 minutes. My three daughters watched it together and a half an hour later we were still singing "We're Brothers Forever" and having a grand ole time.