Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Studio 60

I have a confession to make.
I think that, over the summer, I was looking for every reason not to like Studio 60.
There were reviews about it being "too inside."  They said that if you liked The West Wing, you would like Studio 60, and I wasn't really a fan of that one.  Any reason I could seize onto, I did.  Besides, it took Medium's spot on the schedule, and was so hyped at the upfronts that I couldn't imagine myself liking it.  Sure, I'd watch it and give it a chance, but I wasn't as excited about it as some other people were.
How things change...
I found the pilot episode quite charming.  The show in general was well-written, well-acted, smart, lots of little touches that were great.  I was surprised that I liked it. But I did.  And I plan to tune in every week for as long as it sticks around.
I'm almost ashamed that I tried to hate it! :)
After all, what was I thinking?  Even it were "too inside," I am familiar with and LOVE TV.  I mean, I'm a TV addict.  How can I not like a show about making TV?
So.... if you're not watching it, I actually really recommend it.  It's very well-done TV.  There's a lot of that today, but can't hurt to find another good one.  I think "charming" is the right word for now.

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