I signed onto Blogger, all ready to post about something, and now that the "create post" window is finally open, I can't remember what the heck I was going to write about. Damn. I guess I'll just update the sidebar.
Oh - and does anyone else eat at a Chipotle where the majority of the customers are drinking alcoholic drinks? This wasn't what I was going to post about just now, but I did mean to write about this at some point. When we went to Chipotle in Chicago, I never noticed anyone drinking alcohol, and don't even remember if it was on the menu. But at the Chipotle down the block from my apartment (yes, it is
so close and that is
so good), there are so many people drinking Coronas and margaritas!
I was surprised the first time I saw it, that over half the people in the restaurant were drinking alcohol. It's not really a big deal, but until I saw it, I didn't even realize that Chipotle
sold Coronas. Maybe I'm just not observant, but I think I would have noticed before if I had seen anyone drinking at Chipotle. I mean, if I wanted a margarita, I would probably go to Chevy's, because they had that awesome frozen cranberry margarita back in November. But I guess it's cheaper at Chipotle. If anyone's had one, are they any good there?
Off to go watch TV. Maybe I'll watch the rest of the O.C. or something.
By writing "TV," I remembered what I was going to post about earlier this afternoon.
I have had cable here since September 2005. So, about 6 months. And not until
yesterday, did I realize that we had
free on demand channels. Like Food Network on demand, Exercise TV on demand, etc. And how did I realize this? Because sites like Gothamist and Gawker were talking about karaoke on demand, and I went to check it out. And it's like this whole new world. And I feel
so dumb. How did I not know it was there??
But what I really need? Reality TV on Demand. They have anime on demand! I want reality TV on demand! :)