Friday, March 31, 2006

Strange Flashes

A very strange thing happened on my walk home from work today.  At first, I was really annoyed by it, but now I just find it bizarre.  Still annoying, but less angry-annoyed, I suppose.

So picture this:

You are walking down a semi-crowded street.  Lots of people, but still plenty of room to walk so that you don't run into anyone and can walk at a decent pace.  You're carefully avoiding the slower walkers around you, and a few feet ahead of you, you see a guy holding a camera in front of his chest, facing outward like he's about to take a picture.

You move to the side, so that you can go around him and not bump into him. After all, his camera is right there.  But he goes the same way you do. So you try to avoid him more. Still there.  To avoid a collision course as he remains right in front of you, you swerve.

And when you swerve as he is about 12-18 inches from you (please keep in mind that I am spatially challenged but it was decently close), the camera, which has its lens at about the same height as your face, emits a bright flash as if he just took a flash picture of your expression as you swerved to avoid him. And there's the shutter noise, barely audible over the sounds of the street.

What was this? Some type of art project? Psych experiment? Let's see what kind of ugly pissed-off expressions we can get on people's faces as we are in their way as they walk down the street?  I was just trying to go home and you're going to flash your camera in my face because I'm trying to avoid you and not run straight into your camera?  I wish I knew what the heck the motivation was behind all that.

What do you think? Am I just overreacting? Is this not strange at all?

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