Monday, March 13, 2006


Sitting in my office under a fleece blanket, I am convinced that I made a little bit of a wardrobe mistake today.
Nothing crazy or inappropriate. Just a little... cold.
I think I was a little overanxious for the arrival of spring. When I left for work, it was around 55 degrees, with a forecasted high of 65 (and just to the west, 71!). I was excited that it was going to be warmer than yesterday when it never seemed to go over 52. Add to that, Saturday's gorgeous high 60s weather in which I walked 3.5 miles outdoors.  So I wore a skirt suit to work, the same thing I'd wear in the summer, but I mean, when the temps are close to 70, it's not going to be that cold!
Yeah... right.
When I went to lunch and just now, as I went for a snack, I was freezing. Probably because it's not even 60 degrees. Bah!
I wonder how the walk home is going to go. Ha!
On a side note, am I the only one who didn't know that Wendy's now makes sandwiches?

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