Monday, March 13, 2006

Sundays on ABC

When Grey's Anatomy started less than a year ago, I thought the show was just OK. I watched the first episode only because it was on after Desperate Housewives.  I didn't think I'd end up sucked in, given my track record of not watching shows like ER or Chicago Hope.
But GA was different. It was more fun than a regular medical show. So I kept watching. I didn't necessarily like it more than DH though.
Not until this season when it just hit the ground running and left DH in the dust. (Both content-wise, and now, since the Superbowl, ratings-wise, which makes me cheer every Monday at work.)  I started leaving DH on the DVR and making sure I watched GA as soon as possible (even if it was over breakfast).
But I didn't post to write about how I like GA so much better than DH.  I was writing, because after the episodes aired last night, I was struck by how well scheduled the 2 episodes were, and wondered whether it could just be a coincidence.
Both shows were about how the opposite of love was not hate, but indifference.  It played out in different ways (parental relationship v. romantic relationship), but it was central to both shows last night. Which I thought was pretty darn cool. :)
Ok, mandarin orange break over. Time to go back to work.

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