Thursday, November 10, 2005

Bright Lights

How bizarre. I was sitting here at my desk (which doesn't face the window) and all of a sudden, I felt like a high spotlight was shining onto my desk. At first, I freaked out because my first thought was that it was one of those big spotlights from a police helicopter. But I didn't hear a helicopter, and why the heck would they be shining it into office windows anyway? It was really bright! I went from sitting in artificial light to a blazing bright light from behind. And what was it? You probably already guessed it, but it was the sun. Reflecting off the building across the street and straight into my office. The sun was probably the most logical answer, but here I am, sitting here thinking it was a police helicopter. Fabulous.

1 comment:

sandia said...

They're coming to get you... hahaha!