Monday, November 21, 2005


When I hear the song Lady in Red, I think about weddings.  Slow dancing and waltzing around the floor with twinkling lights overhead.  The bride twirling in a red cheong sam as guests look on, smiling and cheering. It looks so much like a beautifully choreographed romantic movie.
What do you think of?
Maybe I should start this song connections thing as a recurring feature. After all, I listen to the radio all day at work and songs always prompt memories for me. This could be fun.  I could tell you what I think of, and then you can comment and tell me what the song makes you think of!  I love shared stories. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I imagine the video, which is strange, because I'm not sure if I've ever seen the video... but I picture some slightly creepy (and possibly older) guy singing the song. Maybe this image comes from one of those compilation albums that they advertise late at night? Oh well.