Monday, April 03, 2006


I hate losing an hour of sleep.  Or an hour of time, however you want to look at it.
And I really don't like that every time daylight savings time comes around, I seem to be awake to see the clock jump from 1:59 to 3 am. It's not a great feeling.
I'm all thrown off with the time change. Everything feels off, and bad allergies added on top of it doesn't help.  I end up going to sleep later, can't wake up, meals feel too early.... ack.
So the time change threw me off.  Then when I finally left this morning, the Times clock was out.  On the first block of my walk to work, I can see the clock on the NY Times building. I use it as a measure for how early or late I am compared to neighboring days.  But today it was out! I knew I was on the later side, but still... it was out! I've never seen it out!
Finally get to Times Square and the Coke sign, one of my favorite TS signs, is completely out.  Like a big black hole.
Everything just feels so... odd.  And I have this unsettling disoriented feeling. *shudder*
Now I'm realizing the NY Times has a new online design.  I like it better, but also making me feel really thrown off.  I need to find something to do to make myself feel more grounded.

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