Monday, October 20, 2008


I love that it's Sunday night (technically Monday morning, 1:39 am) and the Weather Channel is showing the "getaway forecast" for the Hamptons, Atlantic City and the Catskill Mountains. I always joke about looking forward to the weekend on Monday at work, but posting a getaway forecast on TV before the work week even gets started? Fantastic.

In other news, while walking past Bread Factory Cafe near our apartment this evening, I saw my horoscope on the TV screen. It said to research travel destinations. It's trying to tempt me, knowing I am not going on vacation for the rest of 2008. It doesn't mean I won't research travel destinations though! I read some of my travel magazine tonight, and also uploaded photos from my 2006 Puerto Rico trip, including some things that I totally forgot I saw.

And since we're discussing travel, I love when The Amazing Race goes to New Zealand. This was one of my favorite mat greeters - hi Phil's dad! That was great!

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