Sunday, December 04, 2005


Am I setting myself up for disappointment?

Reason I ask is because I watched 4 episodes of Reunion today. But I suppose I should start the story from the beginning.

When a new TV season starts, I usually try to give all the new shows that interest me a chance. (And there's usually quite a few.) After a few episodes, if I have no desire to watch, I tune out.

This season, it was a little complicated. Fox starts its season early, and they started most of their shows during the time when I was moving from Chicago to NY. As a result, I had to tape a lot of shows at my parents' house, but never got to watch the tapes before work started.

I had taped Prison Break, Reunion and the O.C. Since I kept missing the O.C. anyway because of all the Thurs/8pm time conflicts, I just watched when I could and didn't worry about not seeing the first episode. The other 2, since they're so serialized, I didn't want to watch the later episodes without seeing the early ones, especially since they were new shows.

Once we set up DVR (mid-Sept), I started recording Prison Break and Reunion. As of this morning, I still hadn't watched the videos, so I still hadn't seen any of the episodes. And they were taking up enough room on the DVR that I figured I would just start watching Reunion, even though I hadn't seen the first episode on the tape yet.

Only problem with that? I already knew this morning that Fox had cancelled Reunion earlier in the week. That it was going to end at 13 episodes. That the producers said that the mysteries probably wouldn't even be solved because it wasn't going to be a full season. That it was basically going to end in February.

But I watched 4 episodes anyway.

One might ask what the whole point of that is. Why watch a show that's already been cancelled?

I wanted to see what the concept was like. It had intrigued me from the beginning and I wanted to see what it was all about. And there was nothing on today except the ANTM marathon and I wanted to be entertained while I was cleaning up. It's not the greatest show, I've realized, but it's definitely fun. And I'm sad that Fox doesn't take enough of a chance to let it play out for the full season before killing it. At least the WB did right by Jack & Bobby even if they didn't renew it (sadly).

I always knew Fox was the show-killer network. I'm still just really disappointed in CBS over Threshold. Stupid successful CBS.

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