Monday, August 07, 2006


I was dumb at Starbucks today.

I don't go to Starbucks often, mostly because I don't drink coffee, but the firm gave us these gift cards to use for coffee breaks with our buddies for the summer. Mostly I go for tea-based drinks; that pomegranate frappuccino tazo tea blend thing is really good. And a gorgeous color - I want a dress that color.

Anyway, like I said, I was dumb at Starbucks today. I ordered the pomegranate drink, the guy says what size, and I say large. I am shocked when the drink comes out much larger than the previous ones I have gotten because I thought I ordered the middle size. Yeah, I stupidly said large because I was translating "grande." But I don't even have an excuse because I have been to Starbucks before and I have ordered a grande sized drink before, and I should just know better!

Oh well. It was good.

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