Monday, August 07, 2006

Weekend Warrior

My body is sore.

Yesterday was Alvin's company picnic which was held at a JCC in Jersey. It was a lot of fun and I'm really glad that we went and that I attempted to play sports. (I am a non-athlete for the most part; I grew up watching sports and not playing outside on the fields because of my severe allergies to trees and grass. Couldn't really play any sports while hacking up a lung...)

But I am so out of shape. Was completely exhausted last night, so we only went about a block to go to dinner (not that this is a problem, since there are about 12-15 restaurants that fit that description) and then I was fast asleep within minutes of going to bed. Woke up this morning and everything ached. And I slept longer than I had in awhile! (If you exclude Saturday morning, that is.) Advil did the trick and I went off to work.

I kind of wish there were more play days like that, where I could just run around and play sports even though I completely suck at them. But it's so much harder when there's not a readily accessible and free field. I guess Central Park could work and Alvin does have plenty of frisbees, but I kind of want to play soccer too. I guess this weekend awakened my "inner athlete." HA.

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