Thursday, April 07, 2005

Dream Land

I had a weird dream last night. Dreams, rather. I only remember two snippets.

In one, a group of people and I were going on an emergency trip to Rome. That's really all I remember about it. I don't remember who was going with me or why we were going, but the feelings I remember surrounding the trip make me think it has something to do with the Pope's funeral.

In the second, there were tornadoes. On some tropical island. I was in a hotel room on a high floor looking out over the island shoreline. Looking to the northeast, there were thick inverted cone shaped clouds. It was really dark and windy outside. In that direction, there were a large lush green hill/cliff. Over it, the cone shaped clouds were swirling. I kept seeing huge sparks coming off the ground around where the tornado was. But it wasn't really moving. It just stayed there and kept making sparks come off the ground.

But around the big tornado, there were a lot of little tornadoes. They just looked like gray coils and were maybe 3 feet tall. And they were moving quickly. One passed by my window and I could see the coil. They were sort of like big dustballs flying through the air while the big tornado made sparks in the distance.

The interesting thing about last night's dreams, at least the parts I remember, is that nothing really happened. It's just two snapshots - the planning for the trip to Rome and the image of the tornado and the flying coil. I don't know what to make of it. But the Rome thing just felt so... real.

1 comment:

sandia said...

Oh darn, an emergency trip to Rome... sounds like too much Alias to me. Hehe.