Monday, April 25, 2005

Yellow to Green

The oddest thing happened to me this morning.

My drive to school usually starts with exiting the garage, making a right on Illinois Street and immediately another right onto the street that becomes a ramp to enter Lake Shore Drive.

There's a light at the entrance to the ramp, a 3-way contraption that is almost always red when I get there, depending on when I turn. Sometimes it's been red for awhile and turns green shortly after I stop. Many times the light just turns green as I begin my approach. Only if I speed up can I make it on the yellow. And barely make it.

That was the situation today. I made my right onto the street, heading toward the light, and I was about 3 car lengths away when it turned yellow. I hit the brakes, muttering under my breath, because I hate stopping short and wasting gas (especially now that gas is so expensive). Luckily it turned yellow early enough that I didn't have to stop that short.

Since the light had been yellow and I was stopping, I had ceased looking at the light. After about 3 seconds, I looked up and to my surprise, the light was green.


I know I saw the light turn yellow. So it went from green... to yellow... to green??

I'm glad I was able to "make the light" in the end. But it was just bizarre. I thought maybe the light broke and every direction turned green. But no one else was moving. They seemed to be waiting for me to go, as if it were my normal turn. But I definitely saw the light turn yellow. I felt like I was living in a strange alternative universe. Very very strange.

Has that ever happened to you? A light turns yellow and then turns green? Is it possible? Or do you think I'm just seeing things?

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