Monday, July 24, 2006

Under the Sea

I am thinking about bringing back the "week in review" posts I used to do, so long as they don't consist of "Mon: work, Tues: work, Wed: work" and the like, because then they would be kind of boring. We'll see what happens; my guess is that they would largely revolve around food. But the reason I was thinking of this was because of all the eating that has gone on this weekend. It's like being an eating machine.

On Friday night, since Amy was in town, we went out to Caracas for arepas, then to Rice to Riches for rice pudding and then to Oliva for sangria... and there was even talk of going out to Queens to search for the arepa lady. If only we had the energy and space in our stomachs (we didn't, on either count). A ton of food and a really heavy food coma.

But the other trend, other than a lot of food, has been that I have been eating seafood all weekend. We did a summer associate lunch at Nobu 57 on Friday, which was like all seafood, and then we went for all you can eat sushi last night for dinner. Then today, we went out for my dad's birthday and we went to Aquagrill. Lots and lots and lots of fish. I love fish, so this was good, but sooooooooo much good food this weekend. I really need to work out. But tomorrow morning, it's right back into a nice chair at work. If only we had those treadmill desk setups ... that could literally change the lives of office workers who are usually confined to their chairs.

My mom claims she has some sitdown exercises that you can do. I wonder if any of them are possible to do in a skirt without attracting a lot of attention from flailing around everywhere. Any suggestions for exercises that you can do seated in an office while doing work?

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