Sunday, September 05, 2004


Haven't posted for a bit. Still don't have my own internet connection (wireless or regular), so whoever "Linksys" is (or if there's more than one), thank you for helping me intermittently keep my sanity over the past few days. I've been able to check my email and do some other stuff online, but haven't wanted to take a chance with posting or trying to upload pictures or anything. So I'm here in Chicago, safe and sound... but still moving stuff, unpacking, cleaning and trying to get my own wireless.

Watched the Navy Pier fireworks tonight... I was expecting July 4th caliber but they were kind of short. The heart fireworks were pretty though. My little mini-vacation in Chicago as a "tourist" is ending tomorrow (my parents are heading back to NYC), so the really intense moving and cleaning will begin soon. Yay. Hopefully I'll have my own internet soon!

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