Sunday, September 04, 2005


I do not pack coherently and it's making me crazy.

A little of this corner, a little bit of the books over there, some clothes over here, go through some crap in the other corner... this is why I'm getting nothing done! It's my darn short attention span!

Must... focus...

So I think I will try the whole accountability thing I tried for exams and whatnot. If I say and plan out what I'm going to do on the blog for a certain time period, I think I'm more likely to do it. So this may mean many more posts.

Right now, I will pack up some more books in a brown box and then clean all the beauty products and toothpaste boxes on the metal cart. And somewhere in there, probably watch the fireworks too. I give myself about 1.5 hours, max, and then I'll be back here.

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