Thursday, January 26, 2006


Can I tell you something I really, really dislike? When places are too lazy to change their delivery estimates to account for how busy they are, making a 55 minute (on the maximum end) estimated delivery time turn into 67 minutes and counting. I can see if you just took awhile and did not estimate, but you have the ability to change how much time it will take you and don't lie to me and give it to me at a lower number just to get business. That makes me angry and extremely likely to never order from you again. I should have ordered from the nice Quizno's man that sent me a coupon and personally called up to check on how my order was.  I am within walking distance of your restaurant, and yes I am cranky right now because I am waiting for the damn food so I can go home, but I don't think I am ever going to go there, because I am so mad at you right now.  If you knew you were that busy, you didn't even have the courtesy to call to tell me that you were going to be so late, so that I could like, eat a granola bar or something when the clock started.  Yes, it is my own stupid fault for picking a place that had a 40-55 minute delivery time to begin with, but last time you delivered at like 43 minutes. Now?  You're at about 78 minutes, and I am getting really annoyed, because if I wanted to wait 78 minutes, I would have ordered from someplace that was 78 minutes wait time. ARGH. I can feel my stomach burning and I am getting nauseous (what always happens when I am really hungry and about 1/2 hr past the time I should have eaten) and this is ALL YOUR FAULT.

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