Wednesday, February 22, 2006

American Idol 5.11

I watched American Idol last night after I got home from work, and it didn't take nearly as long as I thought it would.  Then again I fast forwarded through all of the post-singing Ryan Seacrest interviews that didn't involve comments from Simon. I love Simon Cowell.
If I were to pick the 6 girls that I think should go on to the real show, based on last night, it would be (in no particular order) Lisa, Paris, Mandisa, Katharine, Ayla and.... I have no idea. Maybe one of the blonde girls? There were a whole lot of people that I didn't remember seeing on the previous episodes, and that's a common gripe during seasons of AI.  The judges pushing certain contestants on us, etc, etc.  Oh well. Let's see if these 5 make it through to next week, and then if anyone next week sounds good enough to join them.  And please, someone get Brenna off my TV. She really irritates me!
My prediction is that I think it's going to be a non-minority male who wins this year, based on past winners and race and gender.  But then again, that's what I thought last year, wasn't it, and Carrie won?  I could vote for a crooner though. That would be great. :)

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