Sunday, February 05, 2006


Some comments on the early commercials:

1) Bud Light hiding beers: Mildly amusing, but just ok. For some reason, it made me think of the Careerbuilder monkeys.

2) Whopperettes: Dancing girls dressed like parts of a burger and its toppings... I had a skeptical look most of the time, until I started laughing about the fact that all the girls were jumping on top of one another to form the burger and started wondering if that was any guy's daydream.

So far, nothing really good...

3) Sierra Mist gets taken by the TSA: Not very good. And it also makes the TSA look worse, since they were wearing the logos on the uniforms. Did they get TSA permission? If so, why would they let Sierra Mist make their image even worse?

4) Bud Light magic fridge: This one was actually pretty good. I thought it was funny. Only one so far.

5) 16 Blocks: Alvin and I agree. This doesn't look like a very good movie.

But the magic fridge was pretty good :)

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