Sunday, February 05, 2006


14) Diet Pepsi game: Now the Diet Pepsi can isn't singing but in a movie with Jackie Chan. They're going to keep these up all night? Great.......

15) CARS!!!!!!!!!

16) Dancing with the Stars: Umm, Superbowl... you should be featuring more Jerry Rice in the commercials, not necessarily girls in glittery outfits!

More game, in which I also read with one eye about TAR9. Yay TAR!

17) Clydesdales streaker: Hehe. I'm sure I mentioned my love for the Clydesdales.

18) Mobile ESPN phone: Kind of boring, and it looks like it cost a lot of money to make!

More game, more TAR9.

19) Careerbuilder: The monkeys are back!!!!! That was great. Just turn the graph upside down!

20) Escalade: Bored again.

More game.

21) MI3: Looks fun, but I cannot watch Tom Cruise anymore without seeing the CRAZY.

22) Dove self-esteem fund: I think it's a nice thing to do, but I'm not sure that it's really going to do anything. But since I don't know much about it, I shouldn't say much about it.

Blah blah blah. There have only been a few good commercials so far. (In my opinion.)

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