Thursday, February 02, 2006


I was bad.
I am trying to get back in shape and fit into all the clothes in my closet, and what do I do?
I eat a Krispy Kreme.
Why why why did they put 2 boxes of Krispy Kreme in the floor pantry area??
I haven't had a Krispy Kreme donut in ages, and I couldn't stop myself before it was gone! Sigh. No self-control.


Anonymous said...

I don't blame you. Fresh (or even not-as-fresh) Krispy is just too hard to resist. ;)

Avid Diva said...

A Krispy Kreme isn't THAT bad...The original glazed (and that is the only one really worth knowing) only sets you back 200 calories! That's practically a diet food!

Marissa said...

Is it really only 200 calories?? I never knew that...

But I still feel really bad about it! I had wrapped it up in a towel to bring it to my desk, and by the time I got there, the whole towel was soaked through with grease and oil. And then by the time I was done with the donut, it had put so much oil and sticky stuff (through the towel and another napkin!) on my desk that I then had to clean the whole mess up. It made me feel like I just ate something really bad for me! :)