Sunday, February 05, 2006


The next set of commercials... except I've gotten so used to tuning out when the commercials go on (or more often, fast-forwarding on the DVR), that I've been forgetting to watch!

The good ads: Clydesdale kid pulling the cart with his parents' help (I can't help it, I love the Clydesdales); working with monkeys and jackasses (heehee!)

The OK ads: Moto Pebl (nice looking, but nothing amazing); Sharpie click pens (I remember it was OK, but I can't remember it now); Nationwide (the Fabio thing... somewhat amusing, but eh)

The not-so-good ads: The birth of H3; PS: The New Clean; Taco Bell crunchwrap

Agh, ABC! Quit it with the Lost promos! Everyone's already watching Lost, you don't need to keep promoting it! Especially because I scream and mute the TV every time!

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