Last night, I took melatonin, which was recommended to me by my doctor to adjust my sleeping schedule because of my absolute inability to get up in the morning for work. It was getting to be really bad, because not only could I not get up, but once I finally woke up, I was always groggy. My mom cautioned me against melatonin though because she said some people got very vivid nightmares. But last night, I tried it for the first time.
I woke up several times over the course of the night, but it actually feels pretty good right now. And there were no vivid nightmares, just very vivid dreams.
In the first part, I had been on a cruise with my parents. It was to a "mystery destination" though. I had thought it would be somewhere in the Caribbean, but when they let us off the boat, we were in Ushuaia, the southernmost part of the world. From the cruise ship, we could see penguins frolicking in the water on top of ice blocks. It was great.
I went into some stores and wrote Alvin a postcard, because he couldn't be there. I picked one with two cute penguins on it; they were absolutely adorable. And then I looked for Chilean stamps to send on it. The store was like this little souvenir hut, the type you might find in Disney World. (Although, realizing now, as I am awake, that if I were in Ushuaia, I should be looking for Argentinian stamps. I think in my head, I was thinking Ushuaia during the dream, but the actual imagery of where I thought I was, I think it should have been Tierra del Fuego.)
Sightseeing in Ushuaia was wonderful. All these families with small children were taking these little rowboats into the water filled with ice blocks and these penguins were like jumping and having a great time swimming all around their boats. I wanted to go float in the water with the penguins!! It was such an amazing experience. (And I wasn't even really there!)
Fast forward to another part of another dream...
Professor Snape doesn't like me and keeps trying to get me in trouble. Some other teacher, who likes to help me, gave me this blue circle. If I concentrate hard enough on my destination while in the blue circle, I can transport myself to all sorts of places. Often I seem to be transporting myself to these palaces, and then always imagining my apartment to try to get home.
But you have to be in the blue circle at all times. And Professor Snape keeps trying to catch me. At one point, I wondered if I could just wear the blue circle around my waist, but then I wondered whether my clothes would move with me, since they were outside the circle and decided I didn't want to take that chance.
It was like Apparation, but not. You had to concentrate hard on your destination... but you have to be in the blue circle. Which travels with you. The other teacher, the one who gave me the blue circle, keeps trying to protect me from Professor Snape.
Fast forward to another part of another dream...
I was in this train station in NYC that somehow had all the subway lines on these like 5-6 block long platforms. Only thing was, it was one platform for all the trains (the trains came on both sides). But there were like 12 tracks in the place and you could see all the way across to the other side. You could see all the train lines come through, even if they didn't all stop there at all times.
I think I had been talking to someone, and then ran into 2 people from work. I was going downtown on a train to the WTC area, but I think I was going to get a drink of water. While on the platform, I was realizing that it was a long wait and that I needed to use the bathroom, so I figured that when I got off the train, I would go to McDonalds.
While on the platform, I saw a couple of people that I don't know very well but I think were living in the LA area, and they were going to a party. But for some reason, their clothes had fronts but no backs. And everyone was acting like this was completely normal. I couldn't understand why it looked like no one noticed that people were totally exposed! And they were sitting on these tile seats in the subway station, which under the circumstances, I thought was totally gross. But no one else seemed to notice!
The train came, I went to McDonalds. Home was uptown though, not downtown, so I couldn't figure out why I was going downtown, when I could just go home. But I asked them in McDonalds for a drink of water, and they said I could either buy a bottle, or get a drink of water with a side for 50 cents. I think I decided on the side.
I think I probably had more dreams. But these are the parts I vividly remember. What do you think they mean?