Saturday, May 02, 2009


To the WSJ,

I think your article about Disney/ABC joining Hulu made some big generalizations.

I am quite happy about ABC shows joining Hulu.  However, you made the statement that -'s viewers are older and female and Hulu's viewers are younger and male (paraphrased).  As if that's just a fact and how it is.  Please note that I am not male and I watch Hulu all the time.

I understand that your "statistics" show that the users who use those sites fall into those categories.  However, can you please look at what programming you're talking about?  So far only NBC and Fox shows (for the most part) are on Hulu.  That's a lot of procedurals, action shows, sci-fi shows, suspense shows, animated programming, etc.  I'm trying to think of what I watch on Hulu consistently that's not that and I've come up with Legend of the Seeker, Kings and old episodes of Angel and Buffy, but I guess those are kind of action and/or sci-fi.  That's not to say women don't watch these shows, because clearly, I do and many others do.  However, I think if you're going to make a statement like that you should look at what you're comparing it to.

Did your statistics account for how heavily ABC is into relationship dramas and how few of those are on Hulu?  How about ABC having Dancing with the Stars online and Hulu having nothing comparable (and, no, Superstars of Dance does not come even close)?  If I think about everything I watch on ABC, only a couple of shows aren't entirely about relationships (Lost, Castle) but all the rest are to some degree (skipping cancelled shows - Grey's, Desperate Housewives, Brothers & Sisters, Cupid, Private Practice, Ugly Betty).  In any event, they are largely not procedurals.  Did your statistics factor in content when making the generalization about the viewers of each site?  I would love to know.  (If they did, I will happily admit that I jumped to a conclusion.)

But what I would really like to know is - when will ABC shows appear on Hulu?  They weren't there the last time I checked and I'm sure others would also like to know what all of these articles mean by "soon." 


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