Tuesday, January 04, 2005

My First Snow

In the span of less than a week, it has gone from above-average temperatures and April-like weather on the cusp of spring (last Thursday) to a dark and snowy night (now). Let it snow, let it snow.

I was in the school today from 10:45 am to 10:15 pm. That has got to be the record for the most consecutive hours I have spent in the school building my entire third year. Now, I know that may not be a lot for some people that choose to spend more waking hours there, but this is me we're talking about here. I go to school for my classes and leave. No lingering around. Unfortunately this quarter it seems like I'll be putting in solid 11-6 days Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Now I know that also doesn't seem like much to you working people, but 11-6 in the school building and I'm three times more tired that I ever would be from being at work from 11-6. I don't get it. Maybe it's something in the air. Or maybe a chemical in the wall or something that causes mental exhaustion.

Off to tackle a crazy large amount of reading for tomorrow. I'd rather go take pictures of the night's snowfall, but alas. I don't even have time to watch my tape of the Amazing Race. :(


Back to securities. :)

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