Thursday, February 03, 2005

Shu Mai

I watched the full Flay-Tsai battle today on Iron Chef America, and found out just who the judge was that floored me with her shu mai-Japanese restaurant comment. She's the president of the Asia Society. Somehow that just makes the comment even worse (to me).

The Weather Channel's round-up of the groundhogs and their shadows also seemed to pass over Staten Island Chuck. That disappoints me. Poor Chuck. Is he real if no one mentions him?

I have successfully been able to ignore the State of the Union. I saw a few headlines but skipped over them. I shall choose to live today (Wednesday) in ignorant bliss.

It's still early February, so I can make resolutions for this month. I never posted resolutions for January, and I think this month needs significantly more self-discipline. So here goes (accompanied by my comments to myself):
  1. Use best efforts to be in bed (or at least stretching before bed) by 1 am. 12:30 am would be preferable, but I'm trying to be realistic. (You need more sleep! The sleep debt is unacceptable!)
  2. Do some form of exercise daily unless you cannot for some physical reason (and no, stretching alone doesn't count), and attempt to do significant exercise at least 4 times a week. (You know you need to do this! Both for health reasons and for spring break!)
  3. Try to watch one new movie a week. (C'mon, everyone needs a sanity break!)
  4. Make at least a minimal effort to begin outlining for March exams. (Do you really want to go through the pain you go through at the end of the semester?)
  5. Do a clean sweep daily to put things away and not let clutter accumulate more than it already has. (Besides, you need to do a full cleaning of the whole apartment the day your paper is due. Chinese New Year requires it.)
  6. Try to write in your real journal more often. (Do some real reflection every once in a while, ok?)
  7. Make real writing attempts in the blog that go beyond "what's going on right now" at least once a week, if not more. (Remember your accountability entry where you promised yourself you'd make a real attempt to write?)
  8. Read for class in efficient blocks of time instead of haphazardly and inefficiently. (You'd get so much more done and could watch TV and talk to people and go out and do everything so much more efficiently.)
That's it for me. Going to try to make good on resolution #1. Good night.

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