Thursday, August 19, 2004

Morning Non-Routine

Hyundai is wreaking havoc on my physical well-being since their line for service opens at 5 am, they start accepting cars for service at 7 am, and start working at 8 am.

My Morning:

6:22 am: Woken up.
6:45 am: Leave for Hyundai, driving back and forth from the house.
8:04 am: Come back home.
8:30 am: Asleep. Knocked out. Don't hear a thing.
11:00 am: Start hearing sounds from downstairs TV.
11:30 am: Finally woken up.

We were on line by 7:15 am. It's close to 2 pm, and the car's still not done yet. (Apparently we were in the third "round" of cars to be allowed into the service center.) And my mom's car was supposed to have less problems than mine. We bring mine in tomorrow... think it'll be done by the time I need to head back to school? ;-)

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