Monday, October 11, 2004

Columbus Progress VII

This woman on QVC has a face like a Barbie doll. Blond well-sculpted hair, bright white smile, long eyelashes, pronounced blinking eyes, wide open eyes... I don't know, she just reminded me of a doll face.

Ooh, look at that all-white audience...

Trump still says Ah-marosa. Ha.

Now that you see my unproductivity (is that a word?), can you see why I get no work done?

Eat lunch
Call parents to find out about flu shots
Two1.2 weeks of accounting reading/outlining - in progress
Thursday's securities reading/outlining
Last Thursday's network industries reading
This Thursday's network industries reading
Case reading for substantial paper
Set timer for LAX
Tidy the hallway
Put away 5 things in the living room
Cool the room with the hallway window air - edited because I'm watching QVC and can't see the door
Pilates class
Watch QVC for Mosaic
Monday Night Football

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