Tuesday, October 12, 2004

QVC Over Breakfast

I'm watching QVC now. I don't really intend to buy anything, but I love hearing about new kitchen appliances. And I'm really amazed at how many people watch and buy things on QVC. I just don't get it. Do people really need all of this stuff? Although... I understand the QVC phenomenon a whole lot better than how people could possibly vote for and actively support Bush.

The first item I saw them sell was this quilt. It was okay; I probably wouldn't buy it, but I probably wouldn't buy any bed stuff on a home shopping channel. This woman called in, and was like, "My husband abhors flowers, but there's just enough red and gold ribbon on this quilt to make it masculine enough that I can get away with it." Hmm. Red and gold ribbon = masculine? I didn't know those were gendered colors.

Next up was the waffle maker. Now, I'll admit waffle makers are pretty cool. Not as cool as the DeLonghi Panini Grill (which they sold out of!) or the Cuisinart ice cream maker, but pretty cool nonetheless. I thought this one exchange was pretty funny:

Caller: I'm so glad. I've been waiiiiting for this to come back in again.
QVC: Really? So you're a waffle gal?
Caller: Oh, I ammmm.

Same caller at the end of the conversation:

Caller: I'm so glad I could talk to you. You're my faaaavorite.


And they kept going on and on. I guess you had to hear it yourself.

In other subtle amusements, whoever does the captions for the Apprentice photos on Yahoo is having a grand ole time with subtle sarcasm. And I appreciate their efforts because it makes me laugh.

Haha, another caller.

QVC: How about some apple and cranberry waffles?
Caller: I'm so hungryyyy.

Reminds me of last night when the Mosaic guys kept saying they hadn't eaten and wanted panini, and then they made them give it to the audience.

Oh my goodness, the hungry caller stayed home from work to watch this?!

They just fly through the products on this channel! In the time it's taken me to eat a cup of yogurt, they've gone through 5 products....

I need to write a to-do list for today...

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