Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Columbus Progress X

I realized that I hadn't finished my securities note-taking for the last segment for last week, so I finished that. It wasn't on my task list, but I'm adding it so I can cross it off, since I actually did something productive.

I think I am obsessed with the strikeout font style. It's so much fun and it feels so good to be able to cross something out. That must be why I'm updating so often with the list. It's just so much fun to cross things out! Don't you agree? Or maybe I'm just addicted to posting. I don't know why...

Eat lunch
Call parents to find out about flu shots
Two 1.2 One weeks of accounting reading/outlining
Last Thursday's securities reading/outlining
Thursday's securities reading/outlining
Last Thursday's network industries reading
This Thursday's network industries reading
Case reading for substantial paper
Set timer for LAX
Tidy the hallway
Put away 5 2 things in the living room
Cool the room with the hallway air - in progress
Pilates class
Watch QVC for Mosaic

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