Wednesday, October 20, 2004


School today with a notebook and a pen wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I think this is partially due to the fact that both classes used slides that are later posted on the web, so there was no rush to get all of the notes recorded. If this had been, say, my 1L property class, I think my arm would have fallen off and I would still be missing half of what the professor had said.

I have not cursed school today. I am still not amused at the idea of doing lots of homework, and I was upset with myself for not getting up in time for the first class, but this was actually not the fault of school. I actually had two very interesting classes, and dare I even say the second was engaging and fun? It was nice to have some good classes, especially when I needed to pay attention, to restore my faith in the value of the third year of law school. :)

My old computer has a new power cord, and my new computer is up and running (although sans Office and wireless right now...). I haven't done all the reading I need to do, but that's not unusual. Lost is on tonight, I'm eating some yummy chewy noodles that were exactly what I needed, and I feel a little better despite the clouds increasing and my exhaustion growing. I'm not anywhere near peak form, but I'm also not as in the basement as I was last night at the height of my exhaustion crisis and pain.

Maybe this will benefit the pinstripes. ;-)

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