Wednesday, November 10, 2004


I am 100% done with the problem set due tomorrow. (I had better be at this point, right?)

I am 66.67% done with the MPRE outline. (Blah, spent too much time on problem set. Ideally, I wanted to be done with the outline, but I would have accepted 75% as satisfactory. Oh well.)

Having completed 2 of 3 problem sets, I am glad I did not go to business school. Not that they would have been doing problem sets like these all the time, but being surrounded by this finance stuff all day would have made me crazy.

Knowing my reaction to blood and gore, I am glad I did not go to medical school. I think I would have made myself crazy with one of the following: intense studying, being grossed out by cadavers and guts, being too wrapped up in the emotional aspect of the patient. (The latter is the same reason for my not being a criminal defense attorney.)

Based on my current feelings toward academic papers and homework, and my lack of original ideas and analysis in all of my papers ever, I am glad I did not go to graduate school for a PhD. I would have gone mad before it ended, and instead of truly loving the topic I picked, I would have gotten sick of it and would be hating something I previously loved. Darn those short attention spans. Or maybe I just don't love any academic topic enough...

Despite my ranting in the previous entry, I am glad I went to law school. I'm suffering from severe burn-out right now which makes school extremely frustrating, but knowing what I want to do, it was the right direction. (I just need to actively keep telling myself that... along with "just pass!") Although maybe all the Type A personalities (myself included) are driving me crazy...

Wake-up calls come in 5 hours, problem set needs to be on the professor's desk in exactly 7 hours and 15 minutes, and it's 8.5 hours until I can come home again. It's always good to have something to look forward to. Makes getting through the drudgery just that much easier.

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