Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Planes Trains and Automobiles

Well, that was fun.

22 hours to get door to door from the Sheraton Hong Kong to the apartment. One shuttle bus, 1 express train to the airport, 1 international plane ride, short connection time on the West Coast, 1 domestic plane trip, 1 train from the airport, 1 bus from the train station. How symmetrical.

Although I guess the subject line should more appropriately be, "Planes, Trains and Buses." Oh well.

After all that traveling (and out of all those hours, only about 3 hours sleep on the planes and maybe 20 minutes on the train), I feel sort of ... stale, for lack of a better word. I've run through "Wednesday" daytime twice now, and both times were spent traveling in airports. Whee.

And now, I want to go on another vacation. Something with no real sightseeing and just beach time. Completely the opposite of the frenetic pace of the place I just left. And the opposite of moving. I think I just don't want to go through the work of packing and moving. And vacations are always a nice solution. Oh well.

More to say later when I'm not such a zombie.

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