Thursday, June 02, 2005


Yesterday, when I got an email from the registrar, I got really worried.

It said all our grades should be up for viewing by June 9th. Except the way it was worded, one could interpret that as meaning, we're busy, we're doing grade-related stuff, nothing will be online until June 9th.

Which is fine - except that that's the day before graduation! Could it be possible that we might not know until the day before graduation that we are, in fact, graduating?

Could the anxiety be any worse? I had thought they had said we'd know by June 6th... at least that would give it a couple days to settle in if it were bad news, or maybe some time to beg for mercy. But June 9th? Argh!

It is possible that we might not know for sure until June 9th whether we're graduating... but at least some grades seem to be appearing online. I got one this morning - although it's not one of the two I'm most concerned about passing. But nevertheless, I am 3 credits closer to graduation, as I have passed Con Law! Yay!

11 more credits to pass before I can graduate. Please, please, grades come soon!

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