Friday, June 03, 2005


Babelfish claims this is the word for "nauseous." I hope they're right. I don't want to be misusing words, and my Vox dictionary is at home.

Anyway, I'm nauseous. I looked out the window and it made me want to throw up.


Well, first, I woke up an hour late. I should still make it to class in time, but I hate rushing in the morning because it actually makes me feel sick. For example, when I finally got out of bed, my pulse was racing; it's eleven minutes later and it still hasn't stopped.

But what really made me feel sick?

Remember those skinny bugs on the window?

Well, these aren't striped. But there's like 30 of them. It's like an infestation. They're on both the screened window and the non-screened window. What are they? FLIES.

Like the really gross flies that come out in summer and circle around all your food, or at the zoo around all the animals. Skinny black bodies (growing), the white wings, oh it was SO gross looking out the window and realizing that both inside and outside the screen, there were flies everywhere.

How are they getting inside the screen?? Can they get inside the apartment? I'm definitely NOT opening the window; I don't care if I want a picture. And this has never happened before. The problem is usually thumb-sized scary spiders taking up residence on our windows and making window-sized webs. If all these flies are here... does this mean all the spiders are gone?

But what are all these disgusting baby flies doing 30 floors above ground? Some aren't that big and most are really skinny; they actually look like they're still in the process of growing.

And my goodness, bugs this close to me really make me sick. I was just going to see what the skinny bugs were, and then eat my yogurt, but it's so hard to eat right now.

It's seriously like an infestation. The flies are everywhere. And I want them to go away lest one of them sneak into my apartment and drive me away to the Northwestern library, screaming in fear. Alvin's family got me this electric (is it electric?) bug zapper from Taiwan, and I'm grateful for that, but I think these things are so skinny that they'd either fly through the charged bars, or in my frenzied fear of trying to catch it, I'd miss so many times that I'd end up hitting something else that I don't want to fry.

So, anyway, if anyone has any methods of bug protection, I'd love to hear them. Help out a poor girl from feeling sick. :(

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