Tuesday, June 28, 2005


Now I remember why I don't watch politically related things on TV.

The news has shown less than 30 seconds of Bush speaking from his stupid TV-preempting speech and I've already felt my blood pressure rise as I scream at the TV and his smug expression and his ridiculous logic that the war in Iraq started on 9/11. No, really, it didn't. Shut up!

If I watched more of his speeches, I know my blood pressure would be so much higher. So, to keep myself sane and relaxed and healthy, I avoid anything related to him. And I'm so much happier for it.

This is why, not more than 30 seconds of Bush-talk later, I couldn't take it anymore and switched to the Daily Show. (I originally was watching the news because they said something about how the heat wave wasn't going to last much longer, but I can't stand the Bush-crap!)

I wish I weren't hearing my neighbors talking in their apartment next door. (Not the same as Noisy Neighbor - the other one.) I think they have guests, because when I put my ear to the wall earlier today after hearing music, I heard lots of jovial carrying-on. Really made me want to work on my torts outline. Knowing that other people were having dinner parties and fun...

I still haven't finished typing up today's torts notes yet, but that's partially because I watched Empire. It wasn't bad, but if they had just killed Caesar earlier so they could get on with the more exciting parts of the miniseries, that might have been better. I didn't read reviews in advance of watching, but apparently, a lot of them saw the same parallels to Star Wars that I did. (We must do this to save the Republic!) I'll watch the rest of the mini-series, but it makes me wonder if my inability to stay focused during some of the slower parts was due to: a) the fact that I haven't seen a new drama in awhile and my brain is not used to functioning; b) the fact that the only TV I've watched lately is trashy or mindless reality shows; or c) the fact that the bar exam has also killed the good TV-watching brain cells. I really hope it's not the last one.

Okay, going to finish torts notes, take a shower and do more cleaning. They're doing a stupid walk-through of the apartments tomorrow and my place is a Barbri-induced pigsty. Last thing I want is for them to walk around, trip over something, and break or mess up something important. Why are they doing walk throughs now? Don't they realize I'm busy with Barbri and don't have time for that crap?

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