Monday, June 06, 2005


This feels very abnormal. I'm supposed to be condensing my notes... but since there are so many procedural details, it doesn't feel very condensed.

But that's not the abnormal part.

I don't think I've had any other unit where the CMR (the big Barbri book, not the biggest but the one I actually read, for non-bar study people) had less information than my notes/lecture handouts. I'm not talking about extra hypotheticals or anything like that. I mean, less procedural details, less content, less everything. It feels very weird to fix up my notes and then go to that CMR section and find that there's less there. It just feels unbalanced.

Or maybe that's just my tired brain talking. Or my distracted brain... since "The Next Food Network Star"is much more interesting than service of process.

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