Friday, December 03, 2004

Dreaming on Richmond Avenue

I remembered two distinct snippets from my dream last night when I woke up, and while they seem rather disconnected, I felt like they were connected when I woke up. I said them aloud in an attempt to remember the whole thing, but I should have written it down earlier. I don't know why I'm recording my dreams publicly; it's really not like this is something any of you would really care about. But if you're so inclined, interpret away. :) Please?

In the first segment of my dream, I was traveling both in car and on foot (although it seems sort of like we were traveling on foot without exerting any effort and sort of as quickly as motorized transport) on Staten Island. I was with some people, and I think one person was visiting and was sort of like a teacher or an uncle/aunt or something. (I'm not sure if the person was female or male.) All I remember here is traveling down Richmond Avenue, one of the main thoroughfares on SI, the street where all the major shopping areas are.

The visitor carried a large duffel bag that was like the size of me. He/she opened it up to show me hundreds (literally) of frozen fruit-flavored popsicles (not the skinny ones, more like the Frozfruit or Edy's Fruit Bars). I remember being both excited about the prospect of so many popsicles and worried that they would all melt, since they were just being carried around in a giant duffel bag. My solution? Put the popsicles into one of those giant refrigerator/freezers being kept along Richmond Avenue.

Refrigerator/freezers out on a public street?? Oh, that's realistic.

Besides the fact that they weren't really that giant-sized. They were larger than me, but then again, most things are. But they were just sitting on the side of the road for public use. Not only implausible, but also incredibly unsafe. What if there were children playing? Or homeless people? Although they probably wouldn't try to hide in a cold fridge. And who would store stuff in them? Poisoning? Okay, I am done analyzing the existence of roadside fridges in my dream. Useless exercise.

The other part of my dream dealt with a Christmas tree. Someone (don't remember who) had gotten a Christmas tree that was rather... empty. You could see most of the skinny skinny trunk and branches that would break at the flick of your finger. There were barely any needles on it. But nevertheless the skinny twig of a tree was mounted in the room and there were ornaments all over it.

At some point, I was trying to save the tree. All the ornaments were falling off, and the tree was sinking in its holder. But as I was lifting it up, the skinny trunk of the tree started to burn my fingers; it was just burning hot, but there was no fire. It wasn't breaking apart or anything; it was completely solid but just really hot. I kept trying to hold it up, but it kept falling and there was nothing I could do. I started whining about how my ornaments were ruined due to crashing and the burning hot tree and then Alvin was saying that some ornaments were his too, and then somehow we both stormed out of the room mad at the tree and whatnot.


A refrigerator on the side of the road for public consumption and a non-burning twig of a Christmas tree that's burning hot to the touch and sinking. I have a wild subconscious.

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