Sunday, December 05, 2004

Post-Lunch Work

Alright, it's been 45 minutes since I was done with lunch, and I've gone from 48% to 59.3% done with the slides. That's not too bad. I was actually aiming for 30 minutes to be done with 59.3% (I'm really going by class #, not %, but % makes more sense for the blog), and I was already more than 55% done at that point, but I got stuck in digital tuner language.

I didn't really take any breaks for the 45 minutes either except to drink some orange juice and because I was getting sleepy and wanted to look up tryptophan because I ate a cajun turkey and provolone sandwich. But some sites say that tryptophan doesn't make you sleepy unless you ingested it by itself on any empty stomach without any accompanying protein, and thus, turkey doesn't make you sleepy. Anyone know what the truth is about tryptophan?

Yay, I'm more than half done with the slides! But much more left to get through... back to work!

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