Sunday, December 05, 2004

Post Eleven

I am 9.97% done with going through the readings. And for fun, I've started from the end and am working my way back toward the beginning. It's either for fun or because I'm dumb.

Anyway, if I don't finish tonight, I'm not allowed to work on this topic again until Thursday or so. We'll see how this studying plan goes. I hope I can stick to it.

So, I am so close to 10% done. But I haven't broken the 10% yet. I guess it's better than when I was 0.2% done. Although the pages between 6.1% done and 9.97% done were only really skimmed, and it was a Supreme Court opinion, which meant it was repetitive, too long, excessive and I didn't want to read it. So I skimmed it. I hate long court opinions. They're so unnecessary. Maybe they shouldn't even write opinions in paragraphs. I'd much prefer them in outline form anyway.

But it's not my choice. :) Must suffer. How will I deal when I eventually take con law?

I am obsessed with calculating the % done. The calculator has stayed open all day.

I am sad that Desperate Housewives was not on today. That was supposed to be my break. I even built up to it all day. "I'm working really hard, and I'll reward myself later with Desperate Housewives." And then it was preempted for a special movie thing!! So then as a consolation prize, I decided to watch NBC for L&O:CI and Crossing Jordan. But they weren't on either because NBC was showing Family Man! And CBS had some other movie. What's with the movies, people!? Nothing good on TV. How disappointing for a Sunday night. Such a shame.

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