Wednesday, December 08, 2004


Well, it's 1:30 pm and I know no more corporate finance than I did 12 hours ago.

When am I allowed to get scared for tomorrow's exam?

Why do I want to chart for my other 2 classes so much more?

Do I have a mental block against corporate finance or is it really just really really hard?

I think there were too many "really"s in that last question.

Why did I take finance when it hurts my brain?

Will I be able to finish it before tonight and actually get enough sleep to make it to the exam by start time?

Why must I take an exam in the morning when I'm on a sleep schedule that puts me to sleep around 4-5 am?

Why am I asking stupid questions in procrastination of starting from day one and present value?

Aghhhhhh. This is what I get for my inability to wake up.

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