Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Out of My Head

So the subject line is the title of a Fastball song that I used to play over and over in college, but that's not what this post is about, although it is about music.

Do you ever have a time when you first hear a new song and you stay up to listen to it over and over again because you really like it?

I was surprised last night when that happened with the free iTunes song of the week. Some of their free songs aren't that good (for my tastes), but sometimes they're great. (I think this last happened to me with Diana Anaid's "Last Thing.") The current song is by this Swedish quartet, The Perishers (they are so in sync with The Amazing Race which is currently in Stockholm - at least the viewing public is, anyway) and it's called "Sway." I really like it.

So here's a short list of the songs I can't get out of my head right this minute, no matter how hard I try (and it's not necessarily a bad thing):

Howie Day - Collide
Switchfoot - Dare You to Move (I want the CD)
The Perishers - Sway

They all seem to have the same "mood." Interesting.

Okay off to try to get a donut before class. Wheee!

Edit before posting (9:51 am): I got to class, only 30 seconds late this time instead of 2 minutes. And I got a donut - chocolate icing with sprinkles! Woohoo!

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