Saturday, July 30, 2005

Bar Days

A quick summary of the past 3 days (the "bar days"):

Temperatures outside (approximate): 95, 100, 80 degrees. Add the humidity, and who knows how high the heat index was.

Climate control inside: Really hot & stuffy & sticking to the table, Even hotter & stuck to the table, Freezing cold and sweatshirt pulled over my ears.

Breakfast consumed: 2 feet of Subway turkey & cheese sandwiches, 1 Healthy Choice microwave meal.

Lunch consumed: 6 inch Subway tuna sandwich, hot dog, Burger King chicken tenders & onion rings.

Exam consumption: 3 bags Haribo gummy bears, 3 rolls of Sweet Tarts, 1/2 Nestle Crunch bar, 1 Pria bar, 8 Fig Newtons, 5-16.9 oz. bottles of water.

Hours studied: Definitely not more than 2 or 3. Too exhausted to concentrate. Except the layout of my first-year civil procedure outlines was kind of amusing, all those boxes with curved corners.

Essays written: 13

Multiple choice questions answered: 250

Multiple choice questions guessed on (%): Over 50% (hopefully we'll get to that wonderful story during the Wed. recap)

Number of fellow test takers I talked to each day after the exam about what was on it: None!

Number of conversations of other test takers I (inadvertently) eavesdropped on each day after the exam about what was on it: Let's not count.

Hours of actual exam time
: 17.5 (I think)

Amount of time until I find out whether or not I have to do this again: Uncertain, but at least mid-November.

There will be more detailed summaries later. I've been so bad at recording parts of my life that this is something I really need to do, even if I'm the only one who reads it!

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