Friday, July 22, 2005


Sitting here working on learning partnership rules, and out of nowhere, the entire song of "Once Upon a Dream" from Sleeping Beauty starts playing in my head. I haven't seen the movie or heard the song in many years; I haven't played it on piano for at least a few years. It's not in any commercials now, is it? Because that would definitely explain where it came from, but I don't think I've heard it anytime recently.


And it definitely has nothing to do with liabilities of incoming partners.

And before the song, my daydreaming was about how I was going to pack my "quiet snack" for the bar, what I should bring, and whether I should use the Barbri logo plastic bag for the exam or just a plain gallon bag. Nothing to do with Sleeping Beauty.

As if the use of a particular plastic bag is going to help me on the exam more than learning the partnership rules! Must write essays for one more hour, then take a break for TV + writing packing lists + typing out rules. Sounds like a plan.

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