Sunday, July 10, 2005


Ah, that felt good. All of my course packets from my spring 2004 seminar are in the recycling bin downstairs, along with a lot of my papers from advanced securities. What a nice, cleansing feeling.

I love throwing out stuff that I no longer need. (Especially if it's recycled and not just thrown away.) It's a very calming process, and really what I needed since I was so irritated this morning.

Calmed me down enough to come back to do about 40 MBEs. Fun. Now I just have to figure out what outline to tackle next.

But in the meantime, it seems I've missed my "true" calling:

Your Career Type: Conventional

You are orderly and good at following a set plan.
Your talents lie in working with written records and numbers in a systematic, orderly way.

You would make an excellent:

Bank Teller - Bookkeeper - Court Clerk
Mail Carrier - Post Office Clerk - Secretary
Timekeeper - Title Examiner - Typist

The worst career options for your are artistic careers, like comedian or dancer.

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