Tuesday, July 05, 2005


I'm incredibly annoyed right now.

Both of my neighbors are playing music at 1:30 am the night before a work day. How am I (or any reasonable person) supposed to sleep with this racket?

Surprisingly enough, the usually loud Neighbor is not the bigger of the two problems. I can hear his music, but it's more faint and less bass. Maybe they moved the subwoofer to a different wall. If so, I would be very grateful. Because if those past antics were to continue into the pre-Bar month, I might start flinging shoes at his door and/or wall.

But this other neighbor... I think their windows must be open. Because it's not that loud when I'm listening to it right next to the wall. But when I move away from the wall, the thumping is really annoying.

I was standing right outside the bathroom, in a spot which is sort of the center of the apartment. It felt like the apartment was being surrounded by loud pulsating beats. The thumping was so constant and so annoying that the first thing I thought of was that it felt like the apartment was sitting inside an operating washing machine. You know what I mean. The annoying thumping noise as the washer spins the clothes around? That's how I feel right now.

And I was supposed to get sleep so that I could have a productive Bar day tomorrow and not end up taking a nap. But no... I feel like I'm inside a friggin' washing machine. It's a Monday night. Some of us have work and school and things to do tomorrow which require getting some sleep. I hate ranting about the same thing repeatedly, but when I can't sleep because of inconsiderate noisemakers, all I want to do is smack all my neighbors. It's almost 2 in the morning. TURN OFF THE DAMN MUSIC!

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