Friday, July 08, 2005

Human Contact

I think the bar may be making me surly and childish (and stupid).

I was waiting for the elevator today and was watching some girl ordering her movers around. She got onto the elevator with 3 of us, 2 residents and someone else who worked in the building.

As soon as the doors closed, she said aloud, as if looking for validation: "I can't believe how stupid some people are," with a strong emphasis on the stupid.

I kept my head down since I had no control over my eyerolling after 3.5 hours of Trusts at Barbri, and in my head, but luckily not aloud, I heard myself shouting back, "Well, maybe you're stupid."

Like I said, surly and childish (and stupid). (By the way, no one in the elevator dignified her comment with a response, or even eye contact. It was a very, very silent elevator ride.)

Yesterday, there was a cartoon on TV and I hadn't changed the channel yet, but there was a little kid in the cartoon who started saying over and over again, "I'm going to tell my mom on you!" or something like that. By the third time, I shouted at the TV, "Shut the hell up!"

Like he could hear me. Like he was even real.

Barbri was pretty empty today, because about 1/3 of the class was at the PMBR full day exam. Didn't make trusts any more interesting... but I realize now that maybe I should have been taking the CMR to class all along to annotate my notes. It keeps me from falling asleep, and it saves me from doing as much extra work at home. And considering how very behind I am on my outlines, it would have helped to realize this long ago.

And now, to work on Trusts... wheee.

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